the village of hope seeks to help children infected or affected by hiv, aids and tb in two different ways: we have a 9 bed children's unit to support those infected by hiv and aids and we also run a community-based sports and lifeskills outreach in the informal settlements and squatter camps each afternoon.

this blog has been set up to allow the key members of the team at the village of hope to share their thoughts, photos and experiences as we work in the community of grabouw in south africa

Thursday, March 10, 2011

sports outreach

every time i come back from one of our sports outreach afternoons i just want to tell more and more people about the wonderful children that we work with, they are just so cool, joyful and fun to be with, but many of them come to our clubs with stories to awful to tell and that is really hard to think about as i sit here not 500 yards from their tin shack homes, that have no running water or electricity or basic sanitation whilst i type away on my internet wifi connected laptop with all the trappings of a western style life, a tap that produces cold water, a toilet that flushes, coke in the fridge, shoes on my feet, a light switch (that works) at the flick of a finger.....

....keeping it all in context i have to say that the new dutch students, from the HAN university, are a real help to us as we seek to input basic life, health and bible skills into these wonderful children's lives, to share the love of Jesus with them in a real practical way, it is a real privilege to spend time with these kids. it's not only the sport that brings us together, they impact into our lives in an incredible way too, to share the smiles, stories, hugs, tears, love and ultimately life with them is just amazing....

as we work with the older kids the younger ones spend their time sitting, chatting and playing in the back of my bakkie (pickup), it is too wonderful yet heart wrenching for words, never did i ever think that i would be working with people so embracing yet so sick, ill and needy...... have a look at the photos and see the life that explodes from the faces of the poorest and most needy children i have ever met!...wanna get involved, then please contact me, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE....

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